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As you can imagine one of the most important parts of being a successful golf player is learning exactly how to swing and hit the ball correctly. If you have a poor golf swing, it can work against you dramatically and cause you numerous problems in trying to play a successful game. While learning how […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips, Improving Your Swing

Beginners Guide to Putting
As you can imagine, one of the most important things that you can do to improve your golf game is improve your putting skills. While it may seem impossible, simply practicing and working to improve a few minor things will greatly improve your skills. Once you have learned what you need to do, practice the […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips, Tips For Beginners

Improving Your Handicap
Learning how to improve your handicap can go a long way towards improving your overall golf game. However, one of the first things that you need to remember is your handicap is not actually the score of a single game. For example, if you play a single game of a 10 over par, then it […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips

Beginners Golfing Tips
Learning to golf successfully is not something that you can really learn while playing a video game. This news is sometimes a crushing blow to those who have spent hours playing Nintendo’s Wii Sports but it is in fact the crushing reality. Learning how to play golf in real life is sometimes very complicated and […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips, Tips For Beginners
Best Exercise Tips for Golfers
If you are starting to play golf after leading a primarily sedentary lifestyle then you are going to notice that it is going to be rather difficult for you to just run out and play and entire 18 hole round of golf. However, if you have been playing for a while you are probably in […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips